Boulogne a 700 ans
Boulogne a 700 ans was my first project at Realcast, during my engineering school graduation internship. I was then trusted with the development of the experience in Unity, mentored by my internship supervisor.
Boulogne a 700 ans was an ISXP (In Situ eXPerience, i.e. immersive and interactive experience) deployed on Microsoft HoloLens for the city of Boulogne-Billancourt near Paris. It was taking place in the city hall on the occasion of an anniversary exhibition.
The aim of the experience was to tell the 700 years of the town's history through its core building: the Notre-Dame de Boulogne church around which the city was built.
The visitors, embodying the French architect Eugène Millet, would take part in the architectural changes the church underwent across the centuries by helping Imelda, a cute little bat and the narrator of the experience.
The story of the Notre-Dame de Boulogne church was told through a virtual scale model of the building. The visitor had to grab some construction plans and give them to Imelda for her to bring the scale model to life with a bit of magic. Imelda would move around the model and the room to illustrate her tale and help the visitor interact with the virtual environment.
My contribution
​Our team of 6, of which I was the developer, completed this project in 4 months. Most of us collaborated in Unity using git.
My role was to integrate the assets produced by the artists into the Unity project and to implement the scenario and features of the experience with the help of our in-house Unity C# development toolkit.
One the main features I had to implement for this experience was Imelda's locomotion system based on splines. I developed a spline editor which was then added to our in-house development toolkit.
Boulogne a 700 ans was first designed as a solo experience, but a spectator mode was added later on to allow up to 3 visitors to observe and assist the main player. I implemented this simplified multiplayer mode using our in-house networking library based on Mirror Networking for Unity.